Human Resources

5 HR Strategies for Employee Success and Efficient Workflows

Updated on January 18, 2024
Makedonka Micajkova

Written by

Makedonka Micajkova

5 HR Strategies for Employee Success and Efficient Workflows

There’s this misbelief that HR is only about hiring employees. However, the role of HR professionals doesn’t nearly end there. In fact, the HR leaders’ main focus this year will be leader and management development, along with promoting organizational culture.

If you’re a startup looking not just to fill seats but to build a community where everyone grows together, it’s time to take HR more seriously. It’s what makes and breaks an organization. As for a strong HR strategy, it’s what leads to employee success and efficient workflow.

So, let’s go over 5 strong HR strategies that can bring you one step closer to your goal - bring out the best in your employees while keeping the work intact.

Why an HR strategy is important

Startup businesses often focus on building a positive brand image, looking into different marketing strategies to showcase their expertise to the world. And while what’s on the outside matters, your business’s success lies on the inside with your employees.

An HR strategy helps manage your employees. It aims to boost their productivity in the workplace while ensuring they’re properly trained and compensated. Simply put, it’s a plan that works both ways - benefiting your business and employees, that is:

  • Foster employee growth. A well-crafted HR strategy is all about your employees’ growth. It ensures that they’re properly trained and aren’t stuck in place but rather receive development opportunities - both personal and professional.
  • Improve workflow efficiency. When you motivate employees, you can expect them to be more productive in the workplace. And to further enhance productivity, your HR strategy can involve incorporating technological solutions to simplify tasks.

If you’re the type of leader who likes to get work done but also enjoys seeing their employees satisfied, you must develop an HR strategy. There’s always room for improvement, so you can start by asking yourself what you lack in terms of employee benefits and workflow efficiency.

5 examples of strong HR strategies

Crafting an effective HR strategy begins with hiring the right candidates. When it’s right, it’s right; otherwise, whatever you do is useless if the candidates don’t align with your company’s vision. Once the team is complete, you can consider integrating the following HR strategies.

Implement a scheduling app

Organizing work schedules is no easy feat, especially for industries where time is of the essence. It’s getting harder and harder for employees to juggle their careers and personal lives, so, as a leader, you can cut them some slack from time to time.

There are now many solutions that can help you and your HR team organize flexible working schedules. For example, a restaurant staff scheduling app can help deal with irregular working hours, while such an app, specialized for tech companies, can enhance overall project management and foster collaboration within your tech teams.

Businesses are often focused on completing tasks, and this can lead them to push their employees too hard without realizing it hurts their productivity. The thing is, they don’t even do this on purpose, but sometimes, it’s simply too tough for HR professionals to distribute work evenly, which is exactly what a scheduling app will help you with.

Create a positive working environment

Have you ever had an employee quit even though you were paying them well? This happens a lot, and often, it’s not about the money. The best candidates are always searching for an opportunity to grow and, most importantly - a positive working environment. Here’s what to consider when on a mission to create such an environment:

  • Open communication. Nothing good has ever come from forbidding employees to speak their minds. You must encourage transparent communication within the organization, as employees whose voices are heard are 4.6 times more likely to be productive.
  • Regular feedback. One mistake that HR professionals often make, and you want your team to avoid, is only delivering feedback when it’s negative. You and your HR team must learn to acknowledge even the smallest achievements of your employees, as sometimes even saying ‘’well done’’ can make them feel valued.
  • Growth opportunities. Why confine your employees to their desks when you can send them to training sessions and conferences? It’s a great way to break the monotony at work and show your employees you like to see them grow.

You see, investing both time and money in your employees is investing in your company’s future. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide - do you want to get stuck in a routine where employees come and leave or cultivate a workplace where existing employees align with the company’s values and goals?

Craft an employee handbook

Your employees must stick to their responsibilities as well. However, as far as responsibilities go, they can be a bit unclear without an employee handbook, which is why your HR strategy should involve creating one. Even though written, the employee handbook is one of the most useful communication resources between you and your employees.

It will set clear expectations of employee behavior and performance, including dress code and attendance. You can simply find an employee handbook template and customize it to align with your company’s vision and culture. Trust me, it will help create a sense of belonging.

Comprehensive employee benefits

Regardless of whether you’re trying to attract top talents or retain them, comprehensive employee benefits can make all the difference. HR professionals often ask candidates ‘’why should we hire you?’’ but don’t even explain why they should join the company in the first place.

This can be mostly noticed in job descriptions, where the compensation and potential bonuses are often omitted. However, the employee benefits go beyond salary and can also include:

  • Health insurance. The well-being of your employees matters, so make sure to prioritize it. Even if they don’t think of it too often, knowing they have access to medical and dental insurance gives them peace of mind.
  • Paid vacation. We’re all human and deserve to have some time off work. We all have personal matters to attend to, and we appreciate when this is acknowledged. Providing paid vacation shows your employees you care about them.
  • Fitness and wellness benefits. Whether nutrition counseling, gym membership, or free yoga classes - you can decide what your package will include. Naturally, this will cost you, but remember - you’re investing in both your business and employees’ well-being.
  • Retirement plans. As humans, we have all kinds of concerns about the future. However, you have the chance to reduce this work-related stress by providing your employees with financial security, that is, a comprehensive retirement plan.

You want your employees to be enthusiastic and motivated in the workplace. You don’t want them coming to the office while desperately waiting for the shift to end. Show them you care by providing clear employee benefits, and they’ll be more likely to succeed in their roles.

Succession planning

Strong teams have strong leaders. Not everyone is born to be one, so choosing the right people to fill leadership positions is more important than you might think. You don’t want to create total chaos with a transition of leadership, but instead, you want to keep the flow of the team going.

You and your HR team must be vigilant in identifying potential leaders, as this will impact the overall success of your organization. This is exactly why succession planning is one of the most important HR strategies you can implement. If you notice that certain employees possess leadership skills, make sure to groom them.

You can offer them leadership training and workshops where they can learn all about effective communication and strategic thinking. It’s also a great idea to let them take on stretch assignments and challenge them so that when the time is right, it won’t come as a shock.

Building success with smart HR moves

Implementing effective HR strategies as a startup will help you advance faster than you’ve expected. Not only will you be able to retain top talents and attract new ones, but will also create a strong reputation from the get-go. It shows ambition and commitment.

You can advertise your business as much as you want to, but at the end of the day, it’s the people that make the company. Having a strong HR team is now more important than ever, so among the many marketing strategies you’re looking into, don’t forget to make time for HR strategies as well. It’s your ticket to employee success and efficient workflows.

Makedonka Micajkova

Makedonka Micajkova

Makedonka Micajkova is a freelance content writer and translator, always bringing creativity and originality to the table. Being multilingual with professional proficiency in English, German, and Spanish, it’s needless to say that languages are her biggest passion in life. She is also a skilled communicator, as a result of having three years of experience as a sales representative.

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