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Jobs at Certegy

Jacksonville, FL

Certegy was a public corporation created in 2001 when Equifax spun off their payment services division. The corporation had two divisions of its own: check verification and credit cards. In September 2005, a merger with Fidelity Information Services, a subsidiary of Fidelity National Financial, was announced. The merger was completed in 2006. Although designed to be the surviving entity of the merger, Certegy's corporate name was changed as part of the merger agreement to Fidelity National Information Services, and the ticker symbol on the NYSE changed from CEY to FIS.[https://web.archive.org/web/20111001140033/http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/FIS/90191139x0x36939/03D97BD7-CF36-4901-84C6-93677B194580/FIS_2005_AR.pdf 1] Executive offices were relocated to Jacksonville, Florida, although manufacturing and operations remained in St. Petersburg, Florida.


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