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Lakeland, FL

The ProblemMore than 90% of enterprise data generated never makes its way into any kind of analytics environment. Over 90% of generated or collected data provides no business or analytical value, yet we pay to collect and store it. Meanwhile, data production is only increasing at an exponential rate. The root causes are lack of skilled resources,lack of automation in current tools and ever-growing volumes of data.Research shows that this problem is felt across nearly every industry, across both public and private sector entities, and at multiple levels of the organization. Yet nearly every leader places Analytics and becoming more data-informed as a priority. The Inzata SolutionInzata is a next-generation, AI-augmented software platform that solves this challenge head-on. Inzata provides a platform and tools to speed and streamline the process of turning raw data into valuable insights and knowledge, usable by anyone, no technical degree required. Inzata can produce a functioning data warehouse from multiple disparate data sources, in a matter of hours and days, not weeks and months.The company was founded in 2016 with a vision of creating a unique and durable technology for big data analysis that runs at an unprecedented speed. This sophisticated engine was patented in 2017 and a new version is patent-pending as of March, 2023. Inzata's AI-enabled data modeler, the first of its kind, automatically reads and combines multiple, disparate data sources into unified, integrated data models that direcrtly support end-user data exploration and self-service analytics, with no code, no consultants required.Inzata was recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Data Management in 2020, less than 1 year after its market debut.Inzata's growth has been impressive, it tripled in size in 2021, and doubled again in 2022, and is on track to double in size again in 2023.While Inzata currently serves multiple industries, it has found a strong niche in working with State and Local Government, and Education (SLED) customers. Public sector clients currently make up 40% of the company's clients by revenue with long-term, durable contract relationships. Inzata has developed several special features that appeal to these government customers.

Company Details




Between 50 - 100 employees



Headquarters Location

Lakeland, FL






David RobinsonDavid Robinson


David Robinson
David Robinson

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