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Jobs at Lariat Data

Lariat is a Continuous Data Quality monitoring platform to discover data bugs before your consumers do. Ensure data products donโ€™t break even as business logic, input data and infrastructure change. With just 15 minutes of setup, you can define, extract and monitor fine-grained data quality metrics from raw event-level data all the way through to delivered data products. The platform uses purpose-built alerting and dashboarding to flag issues before downstream consumers are impacted by them. Lariat handles the optimization, scheduling and visualization of quality metrics and so your data team is freed up to work on core business features instead of monitoring pipelines. Lariat integrates with tools across both streaming and batch tools in the data stack including Python pipelines, Apache Spark pipelines, AWS Athena, AWS Kinesis, dbt, Snowflake, Apache Kafka and Google BigQuery.

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