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GPU Programming Expert (Paris/London) - Mistral

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Job Title
GPU Programming Expert (Paris/London)
Job Location
Job Description
Mistral AI is hiring an expert in the role of serving and training large language models at high speed on GPUs. The role can be based in Paris, London, or in San Francisco.

The role will involve
- Writing low-level code to take all advantage of high-end GPUs (H100) and max out their capacity
- Rethinking various part of the generative model architecture to make them more suitable for efficient inference
- Integrating low-level efficient code in a high-level MLOps framework

The successful candidate will have
- High technical competence for writing custom CUDA kernels and pushing GPUs to their limits.
- High expertise on the distributed computation infrastructure of current generation GPU clusters
- Overall understanding of the field of generative AI, knowledge or interest in fine-tuning and using language models for applications

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Mistral Headquarters Location


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Mistral Company Size

Between 50 - 100 employees

Mistral Founded Year


Mistral Funding Rounds

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  • Corporate Round

    $16,260,744 EUR

  • Series A

    $414,462,034 EUR

  • Seed

    $113,291,218 EUR