Candidate Labs Funding & Investors
San Francisco, CA
Candidate Labs is a modern search firm built as a technology company. We’re reimagining what’s possible in the recruiting space by creating a radically better experience for both professionals and the technology companies hiring them. Through end-to-end process reinvention and technology enablement, our team of experienced search professionals are delivering results other firms simply cannot.
candidatelabs.comTotal Amount Raised: $5,000,000
Candidate Labs Funding Rounds
Seed Investors
Fuel CapitalSignalFireBoxGroupGordon WintrobTom FrielJohn JersinKyle VogtEric WuThejo KoteJames BesharaJack AltmanMark LovasScott PhoenixMichael AbbottFJ LabsSalesforce VenturesUncommon Capital
Funding info provided by Diffbot.