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Fermah Funding & Investors

San Francisco, CA

Fermah can generate proofs for any instance in which ZK is used. Fermah is credibly neutral and architected to support all proof systems. This includes zkVMs, zkEVMs, Groth16, and all other proof systems. It is optimized for cheap, fast, and reliable ZK proof generation.


Total Amount Raised: $5,200,000

Fermah Funding Rounds

  • Seed


    Seed Investors

    a16z crypto
    Bankless Ventures
    Public Works
    Sandeep Nailwal
    Balaji Srinivasan
    Mustafa Al-Bassam
    Tantauco Ventures
    Daniel Lubarov
    Velocity Capital
    Zero Knowledge Validator
    Daemon Technologies
    Zac Williamson
    Zero DAO
    Nick White
    Jaynti Kanani
    P-OPS team
    Claire Arthurs
Funding info provided by Diffbot.