Glean Funding & Investors
Palo Alto, CA
Glean is the work assistant with intuition. Search across all your company’s apps to find exactly what you need and discover the things you should know. 🔍 Search across your entire company to find highly relevant, personalized answers. 💡 Discover the insights you never knew existed and people who can help. ⚡Connect with everything you already use; it’s easy to use and ready to go.
glean.comTotal Amount Raised: $618,200,000
Glean Funding Rounds
Series E
Series E Investors
AltimeterDST GlobalInstitutional Venture Partners (IVP)Sequoia CapitalSapphire VenturesSVFLightspeed Venture PartnersCraft VenturesICONIQ GrowthGeneral CatalystKleiner PerkinsCoatueLatitude CapitalCactiSeries D
Series D Investors
Kleiner PerkinsLightspeed Venture PartnersDatabricks VenturesSequoia CapitalCapital One VenturesCoatueICONIQ GrowthAdams Street PartnersGeneral CatalystInstitutional Venture Partners (IVP)Workday VenturesLatitude CapitalCiti VenturesCitigroupSahin BoydasSeries C
Series C Investors
Sequoia CapitalSlack FundGeneral CatalystLightspeed Venture PartnersKleiner PerkinsSeries B
Series B Investors
General CatalystLightspeed Venture PartnersKleiner PerkinsSlack FundSeries A
Series A Investors
Kleiner PerkinsLightspeed Venture PartnersSlack Fund
Funding info provided by Diffbot.