Sampling Human
Berkeley, CA
The mission of Sampling Human is to couple health related decisions to their effects at the single cell level. It is inspired by the founders’ academic and professional efforts to extend what is measurable and to derive what must be measured. The human body is a complex system that cannot be quantified exhaustively or heuristically. Clinical diagnosis today is an imprecise art. On average, diagnosis of rare diseases is 5 years delayed with 50% of delays impacting the outcome. Misdiagnosis is far too common with a 66% likelihood of disagreement between experts. We are stuck with symptoms based medicine. The nature of physiological data is to blame. Decisions today are based on fuzzy variables (tired, drowsy, weak, tingling, itchy, etc). Better decisions will require precise knowledge regarding the fundamental physiological units of our bodies, CELLS. Details
- 2016
- Between 20 - 50 employees
- $2,000,000
Headquarters Location
- Berkeley, CA
- No
- No
Daniel Georgiev
- Hynek KaslMartin CiencialaDaniel Georgiev
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